An Abandoned Farmhouse Is Full of Ghostly Secrets

This is a story about an abandoned farmhouse that was hiding in plain sight. The farmhouse went unnoticed for decades without anyone ever stepping foot into it. The house was falling apart, and its contents were as they were when the day people left. What makes a house stand out like that? The history of the home. The home was built in the late 1700s and stood through the years. Nothing, not even the Civil War, could bring it down. The home stands as a reminder of days gone past and what happens to all things when they aren’t taken care of. Sometimes, a building’s story is more than that of a structure, as this farmhouse is about to prove to the world.

No One in the Community Knew About the Abandoned Farmhouse

Not a single person in the community knew that there was an abandoned farmhouse. The reason for this: the farmhouse had been abandoned for too long. It was located somewhere in the center of the forest, on a rocky escarpment. There were countless trees around it, and it was completely isolated from human contact. The house was an old construction from more than a century ago when the forest was still young. At that time, the dense formation of trees with their emerald green foliage could not be even seen from a distance of a dozen steps, and the house had appeared to be in a remote and abandoned place.

The Once Beautiful Farmhouse Is Now Beginning to Crumble

At one time, this farmhouse was a beautiful building that was a testament to the skills of those who built it. Now, as it stands, the house is crumbling and beginning to look like an eyesore. The house was built in 1860 and has been in a steady decline as of recent years. Time has not been kind to the farmhouse that was once the crown jewel of a family that was so proud to own it. The walls are beginning to show cracks and streaks, and even the roof is starting to cave in. The house’s foundation was built with stone and mortar, but now the walls are beginning to show cracks. The mortar is becoming damaged, and the foundation is showing signs of instability.

The House Was Constructed Before the Civil War

The old farmhouse in Suffolk County, New York, was built before the Civil War. Native American Indians once controlled the land on which the house is located. The land was known as being fertile and great for farming. Now the house is a shadow of what it once was, and no farming takes place on the land. The house is run down and looks like it will fall apart. Long gone are the days when people used to toil the soil and use it to harvest fruits and vegetables. Today, the only thing that does grow on the land is a lawn and a few unkempt shrubs.

The Home Has Been Neglected for Years, but It’s Full of Treasures

No one has been in the home for years, and no one has taken care of the house for just as long. But, still, the home is full of amazing antiques and priceless artifacts from a different time. It’s like the house is frozen in time with the pictures of family members who have long since passed away still hanging on the walls. You can feel the history in the home. It’s a truly fascinating visual experience to see something that is so run down but yet captures a moment in time so perfectly. There is a certain beauty in that.

Marion Carll Wasn’t An Ordinary Homeowner

Who exactly was Marion Carll? She was well respected and formed the first PTA, and in 1957 a local grammar school was named after her. She left the property to the Commack School Board and District. There was just one stipulation: the property had to be used for historical and educational purposes. Marion was the type of woman who was more than willing to dedicate herself and everything she owned to make the world a better place. She believed in making a difference, but she could never have known that her property would be the one that would be making a significant change.

Marion Carll tried to preserve the past

Even though Marion Carll died over 40 years ago, she tried her best to preserve the past in her farmhouse. She wanted to leave behind as many moments of days gone by for the people who would come after her. People who had no idea what life was like for the people who lived many years before them. There are many remnants of the past in her farmhouse; she wants us to realize how much we have changed since then. The world has changed, but inside this crumbling-down farmhouse, time has stood still. Some items are still in their original boxes, never opened, never used—remnants of a past long gone.

The Land Was Once Home to Walt Whitman

According to a 1698 deed, the land was once owned by John Skidmore and John Whitman, who was the great-great-great-grandfather of Walt Whitman. Of course, they didn’t live in the current house because it was built in 1860, but Walt undoubtedly roamed the land and would’ve been quite familiar with it. The area’s natural beauty may have influenced Walt. His poems often describe nature in great detail, and there is evidence that the land inspired him. The words that flowed from his pen must have harkened back to when he was a child and saw such precious beauty.

The Stairs Are Extremely Dangerous

The stairs were built in 1860, and now they are ready to collapse. Someone tried walking down the stairs and almost fell through them. Walking in such an old abandoned home is dangerous, and someone can easily get hurt if they’re not careful. The stairs in the building are quite dangerous, as they are in a very bad state. The stairs look as if they will crumble at any time. The stairs are filled with mold, and someone can easily fall. The stairs are incredibly dangerous to walk on, as they are very hazardous. Anyone who wants to go up to the other floor will have to find a way that doesn’t include the stairs.

A Surprising Find in the Parlor

In the parlor is a piano that looks like it’s frozen in time. The piano is shrouded in the dust of the ages, and has not been played for who knows how long. The piano has a story to tell if only a person were alive to describe it. This is the story that the piano tells to itself; while the piano turns the pages of time, no one can be certain what the future holds. The only thing anyone knows is that the life of the piano was as unique as the crumbling appearance of the house is frightening. The piano comes from a rag-tag collection of scavenged objects, randomly collected by the homestead of the piano’s family.

A Wide Variety of Old Bottles

The bottles harken back to a time when medicine was truly modern. Of all the house’s curiosities, the bottles are perhaps the most intriguing. There are some fascinating items on exhibit here. Some of them have been in the family for generations. Each bottle is interesting in its own way. What’s surprising about the bottles is that they were all used to treat a medical condition of some sort back in the day. Some of the bottles don’t seem that special at first. Some of them are used to treat a rather mundane condition. On the other hand, some of the bottles show serious pathology. There are even some bottles that may have had deadly doses of medicine in them.

Everything Stands Frozen in Time

Everything in the entire house looks like it’s been frozen in time. The cobwebs prove that no one has touched a single thing in the house for as long as anyone can remember. It’s strange to see an entire house frozen in time. The hair stands up on the back of my neck. Everything in the whole place looks like it’s been stuck in a world where time stands still. It looks like it’s been on the same day for decades. There are no decorations on the walls and no signs of the passing of time anywhere. The spider webs have faithfully remained on everything in sight.

The Attic Is More Than a Storage Room

You can see that at some time, people were sleeping in the attic. The attic was the living quarters of the household staff. You can see that at some time, people were sleeping in the attic. They would have been the servants, the cook, the housekeeper, the butler in Victorian times. They would have lived, worked, and slept in the same building. Things would have been a lot easier. No commuting, no traffic jams. The staff lived among the people, and there was a sense of communion with everyone. Though life changed at some point in time, the people got further away from living with the families they work for.

Nothing Has Been Touched Since the Day People Left the Farmhouse

Everything in the farmhouse is exactly how it was on the last day anyone ever stepped foot in it. For over 40 years, everything stayed intact without anyone ever disturbing anything. The couch still has a pillow on it, and the stand next to it still has fake flowers. The house smells like dust. Dust that had been sitting there for four decades. The air is heavy, but not with humidity. It’s the thick, dead air that’s been undisturbed for years. The smell of decay is there, but it’s not overwhelming. The view is stunning, even though the house has seen its better days.

The Desk Belonged to a Teacher Who Loved Her Students

This is the desk of a woman who spent her life educating children. She dedicated herself to making the world a better place by ensuring every child in her classroom received the best education possible. She was a mentor and a dear friend to every child who was lucky enough to have her as a teacher. She would do that, even for the most difficult of students. She would patiently find ways to reach even the most troubled child. She did it because she believed in her mission; she felt every child had a right to a quality education.

The Farmhouse Had Many Outbuildings That Served a Variety of Purposes

The farmhouse had a smokehouse, a horse barn, a milk house, and four small barns. All of these buildings were essential to the everyday lives of the people who lived in the farmhouse. It also had outbuildings that served a variety of purposes. The farmhouse was where everyone lived. It was where the chores were done. There were always things to do. The chores being done each day varied depending on the season of the year. There were also daily chores that had to be done no matter what time of year it was. The sheep and cows needed to be milked, and all that was done in these outbuildings.

What Could Possibly Be in This Huge Safe?

The safe sits there untouched for who knows how long. What’s in the safe? Did someone put something in there that they hoped would keep safe for eternity? Did they put something in there that they don’t want others to know about? People buy a safe because they want to keep something in it that no one can get to. So why is this safe sitting here neglected and untouched? Is it because the combination was lost? No one knows the answers to these questions. Just like no one knows what’s in the safe. Hopefully, someday, people will find out what someone wanted to protect so badly that they bought a safe.

Fireplaces Throughout the Home Provided Warmth During the Cold New York Winters

Back when this house was built in 1860, central heating wasn’t a thing as it is today. If you wanted to keep your home warm, you had to have several fireplaces to make sure no one got cold. This is a symbol of the times, of the old city, of the old culture. These fireplaces will make sure we never forget. They are a reminder of hardships, the elements, and a culture that can meet the challenges of the world. You can almost see someone sitting next to the fireplace warming themselves up while wondering how much colder the harsh New York winter was going to be.

The Plates Were Left Eerily as if People Were Going to Eat Soon

You’d think that supper was right around the corner with the way the plates are stored clean and ready to be used in the cabinet. An oil heater makes people think that at one time it would’ve been used to keep the kitchen warm while people were eating. If the walls didn’t look so feeble and the ceiling didn’t look like it was going to fall down any minute, you could almost invasion yourself eating a meal in this kitchen. It could have been beautiful and charming teaming with hungry people who couldn’t say a word because they were too busy eating what was served up in front of them.

It Seems That Some Areas of the Farmhouse Are Better Preserved Than Others

Some areas of the farmhouse almost seem like they are untouched by time and by human hands. The hallway is one of those areas. You can tell that no one has been in the farmhouse for what seems like an eternity, but the hallway doesn’t seem to be as damaged by the effects of time as the other rooms are. The wooden floorboards are worn and seem to be slightly uneven, but they haven’t broken through. The dust has settled on the floorboards, but the hallway still has a feeling of having been kept nice and tidy. This almost makes the hallway feel more unsettling than the rest of the farmhouse, but even walking through it sends shivers down your spine.

Another Fireplace Gives a Glimpse of What Life Was Like at the Farmhouse

The picture on the mantle is of someone who seems as if they’re caught in time. The electric cord for the lamp shows that at one-time, electricity was thought of as modern technology. The mantle may have been built on a farmhouse that was built in the late 19th century and has not been used much. The mantle has a firebox built into it; one would use wood and then light kindling, and then the fire would grow into a fire. The people who warmed themselves near the fire probably looked at the picture and had fond memories of their loved one.

The Farmhouse Is on the National Register of Historic Places

Despite how awful the house looks, it’s on the National Register of Historic Places. The farmhouse received the honors back in 1979. There are about a million buildings of historical importance on the registry. So, even though this place looks like a tornado hit it, the house’s significance is as such that they put it on the registry. The National Register of Historic Places is a list of buildings, sites, structures, and objects deemed worthy of preservation because of their historical, archaeological, and architectural value. There is no denying the house’s historical value and the National Register of Historic Places here protects it.

Old Photos Can Teach Us a Lot About the Past

The old pictures show people and places of a different era. People who are long gone and places that may only be a shell of what they once were. We can learn from these photos that time doesn’t stand still, and it never will. We, ourselves, are not immune to change. We, too, are living in a time of great change. We are constantly turning our world into something different, something new. We can learn from these old photos that time is fleeting. That what we do while we are here determines our destiny. The beauty of life is that it is made up of moments and the people in the photos capture a moment in time like nothing else can.

A Looking Glass Into How Life Once Was

You can see a water pitcher, a mirror, and a dresser. On top of the dresser are some small bottles. All of these things would’ve been important to the person who was sleeping in the bedroom. The person would have used the mirror to see him or herself, and the other things would’ve been used together to keep away illnesses and whatever ailed them. Life was far simpler, and the person would’ve had a somewhat different routine than people today. It goes without saying that whoever woke up in this room wouldn’t have immediately checked their smartphone to see if anyone sent them any private messages on social media.

The Transportation Was Anything but Modern

The people who drove the sleigh and wagon would’ve done so with the help of horses. That means they would’ve used steam engines or anything remotely like a motor that we’d recognize in today’s automobiles. Since we’re going back to the 1800s, this means they would’ve been using horses—the most sustainable and eco-friendly method of transportation. A horse can pull a heavy load or travel long distances with little issue. They are gentle creatures, and it’s been said that some horses are capable of empathizing with their masters. The only real drawback to horses is that they require food—a lot of food. That means the owners of these old-time modes of transportation had to continually feed their horses instead of going to the gas station for a fill-up.

Many People Have Looked Into This Old Gold Framed Mirror Over the Years

If this mirror could speak, it could tell a tale that few things in the world could. It’s next to impossible to walk past a mirror like this one and not look into it. Anyone who found themselves anywhere near the mirror had to take a peek at it to see what they looked like. The mirror hangs on the wall almost as if it’s ready to fall off the nail. It’s been there for decades as if it hasn’t moved an inch since it was placed on the wall. The fact that the mirror hasn’t fallen down and cracked into a million pieces is nothing short of amazing.

The Sewing Machine Is From a Time When People Made Their Own Clothes

There was once a time when people had to make their own clothes. You couldn’t hop in your car and go to Walmart to buy a new pair of jeans. The person who sat behind this sewing machine no doubt made all of their own clothes from scratch. This was a time before plastic, before digital, before everything started needing batteries to run. When you look at a sewing machine from this era, you will notice that it has a lot of parts. The person using the machine had to be smart and highly artistic to create clothes that people would find attractive.

Bottles Throughout the House Tell a Tale of Sickness and Cleanliness

It seems there were two types of bottles throughout the house, those to treat illnesses and cleaning supplies. This medication was meant to keep people from wetting the bed. Who used this medication? Was it an adult who was perhaps too old to control their bladder? Maybe it was a child who struggled with wetting the bed. No one knows who used the medication. It is just another piece of the story of the house. It tells of the human side of the people who lived there and what they had to deal with regularly. These bottles tell of the struggle with illness and disease. There were many types of medication in the house, and each was used to treat a specific ailment.

Marion Carll Was an Avid Reader Who Loved to Put Her Nose in Books

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that Marion Carll loved to read. After all, she was a school teacher. The neat thing about the bookcase is that it’s made from a crate that once contained Sunkist oranges. It’s hard to imagine that a container of oranges would have such a beautiful box. Every book looks like it was well-read, and that includes her dictionary. The reading material was modern for the time, and no doubt people would’ve picked it up for educational purposes and entertainment. It wasn’t out of the question for someone to pick up a dictionary and leaf through it for something to do.

Many of the Bottles Are From Products We Still Use Today

You’ve probably heard of and even used Phillips’ Milk of Magnesia. If you look at the blue bottle, that’s what it is. The only difference is that today the bottles are made of plastic. This blue bottle was made before plastic was widely used. Also, people back then probably wouldn’t have trusted anything in a plastic bottle. Glass was the latest mass-produced technology, and everyone wanted to buy everything in bottles made from it. Today, these bottles are sought after by collectors who enjoy the product mentioned and the artistic design of the bottle. Any bottle collector would love to take a stroll through the house and see all the hard-to-find items that are out in the open.

An Electric Fan Was a Rare Convenience Found in the House

Just one look at the fan, and you can see that it’s old. The fan was one of the few modern appliances in the home. The farmhouse owner also had electric lamps, but that’s about the only things of modern convenience contained inside the house. And this rare convenience is now a family heirloom. A fan like this one was a big-ticket purchase for the time, and it would have cost a pretty penny. Just try to imagine how great it must have felt to be in front of the fan on a hot summer day. Air conditioning wasn’t yet something people knew about, so this was as cold as you could get.

A Cabinet With a Collection of a Wide Variety of Bottles

Who was the person who put all the bottles on the cabinet? Could it have been someone from long after the person bought them? It would be strange if the person who bought the bottles were the same person who organized them on the cabinet like this. It’s strange because you’d think that someone who recently purchased the bottles containing stuff in them wouldn’t want to keep the empty containers and display them. No one knows what most of the bottles are since the labels have since faded away, but it’s believed that some of the bottles contained spices such as salt and better.

Ms. Carll Was a Highly Accomplished Seamstress

Ms. Carll wasn’t only a teacher; she was also a seamstress. It wasn’t uncommon during her time for women to know how to make their own clothes. What is slightly unusual is how skilled she was as a seamstress. You’d think someone who could create beautiful clothes like this would earn their living doing it. But she didn’t. So what made her so special? Ms. Carll made beautiful clothes, and that was the fashion of the day. She made them for herself and her family. She made these clothes out of necessity, as did all women during her life. Only the extremely wealthy would’ve bought professionally made clothing

The Dining Room Looks as if It’s Ready for a Family to Eat Supper

You can easily see by looking at this photograph that the dining rooms looks like it could have guests at any minute. It’s eerie how the dining room looks like it was recently used. If it weren’t for how run down the room looks, you’d think that it was recently used. The walls and the ceiling tell a story of neglect, but the china cabinets are full of dishes that look like they’re ready to be used. The chairs are still put up to the table, and it looks like someone would be sitting at the head of the table. It’s so eerie how this room hasn’t been used in years, but it looks as if someone will come in the room any minute now.

The Entire Farmhouse Is Surrounded by History

The Tercentenary meeting of the Commack Committee was held at Ms. Carll’s farmhouse. She also was a history buff who wasn’t shy about letting that side of her shine in front of her students. Ms. Carll had a love of the past, and it’s understandable considering that the house she lived in was a relic of days gone by. It had to be a lonesome existence because it appears that she lived alone. Though, does anyone really live alone when they’re surrounded by so many moments of their family members who have since passed away? She had to feel surrounded by them, or she probably wouldn’t keep so much of their lives intact.

Marion Carll Looking After One of Her Prized Horses

This is a photograph believed to have been taken back in the 1950s. Marion Carll is taking care of her horse. As you can see, she clearly loves her horse. The horse seems to be in good health and is very friendly towards her. If the horse wasn’t familiar with Marion, it would’ve never gotten so close to her. The horse is very calm and relaxed. This alone shows how much the horse loves her. If the horse isn’t confident, then it won’t feel comfortable getting close to someone and being that close to someone. This shows that the horse trusts her and likes being around her.

This Building Was Nominated as an Endangered Historic Place in 2011

The nonprofit Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities listed four sites on its annual list of endangered historic places in 2011. The Carll Farmstead was on the SPLI’s endangered list. Robert C. Hughes nominated the Huntington farmhouse for landmark status. He is a historian of Huntington, near Commack in Suffolk County. To paraphrase what he said in the New York Times, It’s a wonderful time capsule because not only are the buildings historical, but also because they still hold the artifacts from the past. This property is in need of attention and money. Well said, Mr. Hughes. Hopefully, people will act upon his words.

The Future of the Farm Is Uncertain

Debbie Virga is the director of community relations for the Commack district. She says Members of the Marion Carll Farm committee have met with members of the school board and residents to discuss ways to save the farmhouse. Virga believes that the farm on Commack provides enough open space to be used as a public park. Cynthia Clark works with another group that hopes to save the Carll Farm. She’s worried that some proposals won’t work to protect the farmstead as a working organic farm. It seems everyone wants to keep the farm intact, but many different sides have to join together to make it happen for that to happen.

Visit the Huntington Historical Society to See the Farmhouse

Wondering more about Marion Carll and her family or their historic property? If so, all you have to do is visit the Huntington Historical Society. They have two volumes of books that contain information about the Carlls. The website says that Edwin L. Soper collected information about local families and their allied lines. He donated copies of his material, and when he died, he left it to a library. The remainder of the author’s material was donated to the Resource Center. It’s a great source to use if you’re interested in learning more about the Carlls and the area.

A Historic Sewing School Is Owned by the Huntington Historical Society

Huntington, New York, near Commack, is the site of one of America’s earliest vocational schools, the Huntington Sewing and Trade School. The school taught female students how to sew and clean while teaching trades to the male students. Ms. Carll’s love for sewing may have stemmed from the school, which was built in 1905. In 2017, renovations on the building were made possible with help from philanthropist Doris Buffett, billionaire Warren Buffett’s sister. The Huntington Historical Society is now using the building as its archival facility. Luckily future generations will be able to use the facility that taught so many invaluable lessons to people in the past.

The Legacy of Marion Carrl

The school bearing Ms. Carll’s name was closed because the hamlet of Commack was growing rapidly in the early 1960s. Smithtown Matters, the local paper, has written about her legacy. It’s not over just because the school closed. To summarize what the paper said; She left her legacy on Commack with her commitment to education, love of the town, and the Marion Carll Farm. Marion Carll left her farm to the Commack School District hoping that students would learn about life on a farm. It’s almost as if her life and the lives of her family are frozen in time as people discover not only who she was, but all about her life.

A Mansion Hidden in Plain Sight in New York City

New York City is a popular and densely populated city. It can be hard to keep a secret in a city that’s constantly changing. With so many new people moving in each year, it’s no wonder some secrets exist. There are many places in New York City that people have yet to explore. The mysteries surrounding this abandoned mansion have yet to be solved. Despite the bustle of Times Square, it has been left untouched. Photographer Bryan Sansivero spent his time exploring the abandoned property, and what he found was hauntingly beautiful. It’s just one of the many buildings that stand empty but yet are full of incredible stories.

Bryan Sansivero Unlocked the Mystery Behind This Abandoned Home and Revealed Its Secrets

Bryan Sansivero’s photography of a mansion that would have otherwise been left to rot just outside of Manhattan has become a viral sensation. The photographer Sansivero captures images of urban decay, mostly taking pictures of abandoned buildings. In 2008, he wrote and directed a movie about a crumbling psychiatric ward in Kings Park, New York called Shadows of Kings Park. The film showed how talented he is at bringing attention to forgotten things. The photographer managed to get access to the 57-room mansion and photographed the interior. If you doubt how awesome the movie is, watch it and prepare to be amazed.

This Mansion Has Been Abandoned for 40 Years, and It Looks Like It

The mansion, which once belonged to a wealthy family, is now in a state of deterioration. This house was built in the late 1930s, and nobody lived there after the 1970s. No one knows why the original owners left. It’s been over 40 years, and no one has lived there during that time. This mansion has 57 rooms, including an indoor tennis court and bowling alley. This property is in a prime location and has the right type of architecture to turn it into a hotel. Yet, it sits around decaying, and no one seems to want to do anything about it.

The Owner of This Property Likes to Watch Houses Fall Into Disrepair

This mansion used to be a lovely house. The identity of the people who lived in this house is unknown, but it was once well-kept. It may look abandoned, but it has a rightful owner. There are rumors that a wealthy property owner who buys unused mansions leaves them to decline. The owner has a lot of money, and they don’t know what to do with it. They buy a lot of mansions but never take care of them. Why would anyone do that? Well, one theory is that they’re buying the property not for the mansion, but for the land itself. The hope is that the land will skyrocket in value, and they’ll be able to flip it for a massive profit.

The Mansion Is Situated on 6 Acres of Land

It’s not just the inside of this house that is impressive. The mansion is a little too big for one family. It has 57 rooms, all on six acres of land. The house is like an entire city packed into a small box. The home contains a bowling alley, an indoor tennis court and two bars, and a private library. Whoever lived in this house barely needed a reason to leave. Why would anyone have to leave? You can bowl and have a drink all in the same place? Luxury comes at a price, but clearly, the person who owned this mansion could afford it.

Whoever Lived in the Mansion Was in a Hurry When They Left

This mansion was suspiciously left behind. Nothing seems normal about the sale. It looks like whoever was living in this home left in a hurry. There’s evidence that the original occupants may have died suddenly, leaving the house to be sold or abandoned. The house was discovered full of clothes and shoes. It is unknown what the homeowners were running from, but it’s possible that they were on the run from the law. Children’s toys are left in places or scattered throughout the home. It looks like the owners didn’t have time to pick up after themselves. Something terrible must have happened to cause them to leave in such a hurry.

At the Very Least, One Woman Lived Here

We can’t learn much about the house’s previous inhabitants, but at least a woman lived here because she left her shoe collection. The type of shoes she was wearing suggests that the woman didn’t do a lot of physical activity and had a very conservative style. It is likely she did not wear the shoes often or for very long. Most of the shoes she wears are kitten heels in muted colors. There are a few exceptions, like green sling-backs and colorful heeled peep-toes. There is no sign of sneakers in the closet, which looks like she never used the indoor tennis court. It’s also likely that she more than likely had children.

What Ended Up Happening to the Children in the Home?

People believe the woman who lived in the mansion was a mother. The living room is filled with childhood things like dolls and other toys. On the landing of a spiral staircase, there’s an abandoned vintage baby carriage that looks like it hasn’t been used for years. There’s evidence of multiple children in the house. A child of toddler age and a baby is likely present. The children must be old enough to play with dolls and be able to crawl around. They should also have the ability to not leave their toys all about the living room. Anyone who has been around children knows that those are skills possessed only by kids of a certain age.

The One Child Who Was of School-age Enjoyed Golf

The house was full of children, one of which was school-aged. This closed trunk is full of school supplies, items that wealthy families typically had their children take with them to boarding schools instead of public school. This child may have enjoyed playing with their father, as this photo of a carrying case for golf clubs alludes to. In an abandoned home, it’s not uncommon to find a creepy painting of a child. The painting could be of the little boy who used to live in this house. No one knows, but it sure looks creepy. The boy in the painting doesn’t look happy at all.

Could Some of the Children Who Lived Here Been Homeschooled?

Pictures from this abandoned home reveal that the children who lived there may have been homeschooled. The house in this photo has a room for just about everything, including three desks. They’re typical of what you’ll find in a modern schoolroom. There’s a small TV with an alarm clock attached. The walls are peeling, the paint is chipped off in places, and it looks like many different colors have been used in the room. This home may have been a strict household. The mother of the home may have been strict and disciplined with her children when they were at home from boarding school. Alternatively, she could have been laid back and allowed them to learn at their own pace.

The Library Is Still Fully Stocked With Books

Books have been abandoned in this house. They were left behind, but the family was clearly avid readers. The family’s high emphasis on education is clear from the schoolroom. They have a robust library too, which shows they want to make sure their children are well-read and educated. A few books fall off the shelves and rest on an ornate desk in the private library. On the other side of the living room is a couch. It’s a really comfortable couch, and it’s perfect for relaxing while enjoying a good book. Years ago, the books in this room were stacked on shelves. Now they’ve fallen and sprawled across the floor. The paneling still looks new, though.

The Ballroom Is Still There in Its Entirety

The mansion is only a few miles away from New York City, but it’s been almost completely untouched by trespassers. There are only a few instances of graffiti, but this property is otherwise preserved from any damage. The giant, sun-filled room is in pristine condition, except for a tiny spot of graffiti, chipping paint, and a cracked mirror. The family left the expensive, lavish items they owned in their old house when they moved out. They didn’t pack before moving out and left their expensive things behind. Why is that? What would cause someone to go in such a hurry that they took none of this stuff?

This Indoor Tennis Court Is Now a Garbage Dump

The house has an indoor tennis court, which is one of its most spectacular features. The ceiling is made of large, open windows that let in tons of sun. It’s as close as you can get to being outside without the chill of New York winter weather. The tennis court has fallen into disrepair. It’s now littered with junk. The room is full of old furniture like tables and fans. There are even pieces of crumbling walls littering the area. The car in the middle makes this place look like a regular junkyard. How depressing is it that this once beautiful tennis court looks like the city dump?

The Home Showcases Victorian Design

While most people associate art deco and brown tones with the 1930s, the Victorian design is a popular choice in this mansion. The furnishings appear to be expensive and old, but the paint on the walls is cracked and peeling – a result of neglect. The furniture and everything else screams the Victorian age through the decay. For many decades, a Victorian design was popular with dark patterned wallpaper, gold leaf detail, and jewel-tone colors. This is an example of the Gothic Revival style. The Victorian design in this family’s trophy cases is a unique choice in the 1970s.

The Home Has Been Decorated Several Times Over the Years

The people who lived in this house were likely there for a long time. They probably kept the property within their family until the 70s. The house showed signs of a long-term family residing there. This photo of chairs shows the design that spanned through all the eras. There are some bamboo chairs that are representative of the art deco movement from the 1930s and 1940s. There’s a Victorian-style room with ornate wood detailing. In the 1950s and 1960s, there were bold colors. The 1970s had a lot of yellow and brown tones. All of these colors are evident in the chairs, which shows which era they come from.

The House Isn’t Spared the Outside World

This rocking horse is from the family’s past. It once belonged to a child who played with this toy for hours on end. The couches in this house are old and falling apart because they are not sheltered from the weather. The cold winter air has made it past the curtain, so the warmth inside is not enough to keep out the chilling New York winds. The snow on the property reminds us that nature will eventually take it back unless someone steps in to shut it out. It’s the sad truth that many of these beautiful abandoned buildings face throughout New York City.

The People Who Lived Here Were Musical

Back in the 1930s, when this house was built, televisions were new. The television was invented in the 1920s, and by the 1970s, most families were sitting nightly in front of their TV sets for their favorite programming. This house was different from most because the owners didn’t have a TV. There’s a lot of musical equipment available instead of a television. The ballroom in the mansion has a grand piano. There are two grand pianos, which is rare for a large house. You have to assume that two people were playing them at the same time. There are many instruments in the house, including accordions and keyboards.

Paintings and Furniture Left to Decay Are Near the Fireplace

It seems like the owners of this mansion left in haste. It’s kind of creepy. This room has two TVs in it, and they’re on opposite walls. There’s no couch for kids to watch TV on, so it may have been used by adults. There are two pricey-looking chairs near the fireplace. The fire is likely giving more warmth than a regular heating system would. Heating probably was a challenge in the winter. The home’s size and cost of energy make heating expensive. Though, anyone who can afford a mansion of this magnitude probably doesn’t have to worry about how much it costs to keep it warm during the brutal New York winters.

A Player Piano Sits Next to a Chair

While player pianos are rare these days, they were also unpopular in the 1970s. Sales for these instruments peaked in 1924, and the stock market crash of 1929 nearly wiped them out. The player piano is an old form of musical instrument that was used before amplification. This family’s house had electrical amplification, as is evident with their TV sets and record players. This home is likely to have been passed down through the generations or was owned by older people who lived there from the 1930s to 1970. That could explain the player piano, but maybe the person who lived there just liked them for whatever reason.

What Caused the Owners to Leave?

The owners of this house tried to renovate it, but they never finished. The photo shows a ladder and sheets that are intended to protect the floor from paint. The owners might have tried to repair the property before selling it but decided not to put in the time and money for a full renovation. The new owners may have purchased the property after the previous owners left in a hurry. And because they didn’t see any value in renovating it, they just sold it as is. A millionaire’s lifestyle is demanding. It may be that someone ran out of money and lost their fortune. This would make it difficult to maintain a beautiful, expensive home like this. We may never know the story behind why it was left in that condition.
